In the endless search for the “Perfect Light!”

With an eye for perfection in an endless search for the perfect light, as a Fine Art Photographer, I've been passionate about conveying a tranquil stillness of powerful emotion through my photographs with a compelling connection to my love of the natural world and those who inhabit it.

Arthur Seabra


In the endless search for the “Perfect Light!”

With an eye for perfection in an endless search for the perfect light, as a Fine Art Photographer, I've been passionate about conveying a tranquil stillness of powerful emotion through my photographs with a compelling connection to my love of the natural world and those who inhabit it.

Arthur Seabra

“It's one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, it's another thing to make a portrait of who they are.”


In portrait photography there is something more profound that we seek inside a person, while being painfully aware that a limitation of our medium is that... the inside is recordable only insofar as it is apparent on the outside. Very often what lies behind the facade is rare and more wonderful than the subject knows or dares to believe.

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"The story I fail to put into words."


A beautifully captured landscape photograph is like a great story I fail to put into words. And it doesn't always happen, Some days you just get lucky… Other days you wait patiently for luck to happen.
It is my opportunity to explore new dimensions, and only I can go there, but I can show you where I've been.

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